session.lcid = 2057

dim x,xdate,ydate ,mydate,xday,yday
Dim adoCon 			'Holds the Database Connection Object
Dim rsGuestbook			'Holds the recordset for the records in the database
Dim strSQL			'Holds the SQL query for the database

DIM mystr 
            dim mystr1
            dim myparams
			dim secid
			dim cur_gaam
			dim familyid
			dim memid

Dim FSOobj,FilePath
'FilePath=Server.MapPath("text.txt") ' located in the same director 
'Set FSOobj = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'if FSOobj.fileExists(FilePath) Then 
'End if 
'Set FSOobj = Nothing

Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
xdate = cint(day(date))
if len(xdate)=1 then
	xday = "0"&xdate
	xday = xdate
end if

xdate = cint(month(date))
if len(xdate)=1 then
yday = "0"&xdate
yday = xdate
end if

response.write "Birthday list for  " 
response.write Date
'Set an active connection to the Connection object using a DSN-less connection
adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("database/test2.mdb")

'Set an active connection to the Connection object using DSN connection
'adoCon.Open "DSN=guestbook"

'Create an ADO recordset object
Set rsGuestbook = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
response.write ydate
'Initialise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database
strSQL = "select * from data1 where left(birthdate,2)= '" & xday & "'  and mid(birthdate,4,2) = '" & yday & "' "
'strSQL  =  "select * From member "
'Open the recordset with the SQL query  and  
rsGuestbook.Open strSQL, adoCon



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&nbsp;<body bgcolor="#E0EDC2" bgproperties="fixed"><% 
while not rsguestbook.eof 

secid = Rsguestbook.Fields("photo")
			Dim myph_path ,my1
			myph_path = "http://kandagara.in/memberphotos/" 
			myph_path = myph_path & secid & ".jpg"

FilePath=myph_path ' located in the same director 
Set FSOobj = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if FSOobj.fileExists(FilePath) Then 
			'myph_path = myph_path & secid & ".jpg"

'myph_path = "http://kandagara.in/memberphotos/nophoto.jpg" 

End if 
Set FSOobj = Nothing	

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="242" height="69">
    <td width="138"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#FF0000">
<% = ucase(rsguestbook.fields("name").value) %></font><font face="Verdana" color="#FF0000" style="font-size: 9pt"></br><% = ucase(rsguestbook.fields("area").value) %></br><% = ucase(rsguestbook.fields("mobile").value) %></td>

							<% rsguestbook.movenext %>
						<% wend %></a> </font>

 </font><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 8pt">&nbsp;</font></strong></div>
<script type="text/javascript">


